UBUNTU Cosmic Energy: the Ethical Basis for Future Worldists

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Namaste! The main goal of the Global Education Magazine is to unite the cooperative efforts of the individual-society-specie for the creation of inter-ethnic dialogues that derive in the construction of a collective intelligence focused on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Like an isolated neuron or an ant, which cannot contribute categorically to the network structure to which it belongs, mankind must develop a social learning, based on peaceful coexistence and respect for biodiversity of different ecosystems.
The architects of the future of education should expand existing cognitive horizons through a multidimensional epistemological revolution that includes Earth-homeland as commons home and garden of the humanity. Thus, the knowledge construction of the 21st century entails the inclusion of morphogenesis and cosmological perspective for metaphysical understanding of the human species, because our particles were born in the first few seconds of the Cosmos, our carbon atoms were created in a previous sun and our molecules were formed on Earth. The human species is a cosmic entity interlinked with the same future destiny, whose estigmergic evolution is the result of a nutrigenomic colloquium of thousands of years between our genome and our interaction with environmental and nutritional resources.
For this reason, it is necessary to reform human communications through an intellectual, moral and emotional metacognitive effort that warns the complexity of the MDGs as a solidary super-organism interconnected by quantum electrodynamic which is manifested in the interactions of cosmic particles. To do so, we must promote the humanist philosophy UBUNTU, as thought, awareness, and understanding metastructure of the sociobiology and antropoetic evolutionary convergence. In this sense, the Ubuntu ethological polymorphism represents wisdom to learn to grow together as a world-society, because the ontologic pluricultural simbiosophy adjacent in its spiritual essence is an emergent element for ethical management of the future.
Cultivating a better future is possible and we can do it in a collective, justice and solidarity way through a responsible and creative participatory democracy. We must be self-critical of the current metasystem driven by economic irrationality of globalization and we must reform international politics bioethically: including food supply, access to medicine and the right to health among the fundamental human rights. So, think about starting a new axiological human consciousness, based on a pluralistic and polylogic conception of the ethic that inspires new directions for navigating the waters of socio-educational work.
The seed of love represents, in this sense, the epigenetic and ecological phenomenon of vital action to achieve a unified ethic understanding among mankind. Teaching in the 21st century involves resetting democratically multi-causal relationships between education and culture, toward new cosmopolitan and cyber-ethical pedagogic practices that integrate a moral view in a global scale. This reconsideration demands, effectively, training authentic worldists with a thoughtful civic consciousness capable of ensuring sustainable development in harmony with nature. Thus, the paradigm shift implies a holistic view of the human being and the universe itself from the perspective of consciousness, where we are all interconnected.
Dear readers, I invite you to drink the elixir of cosmopolitan hope charged by cosmic energy to achieve the objectives agreed in the Ottawa and Bangkok Charters on global health. We must empower our imagination in order to feel ourselves as creators of our own lives and conceive the humanity as a starry sky in which, contemplating this, they enlighten our hearts.
Javier Collado Ruano
Director of Edition

This article was published on April7th: World Health Day in Global Education Magazine.


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