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From Rio+20 to the New Development Agenda: An Interview with Felix Dodds

About Maria Bolevich Maria Bolevich is a specialist of environmental protection and a journalist. She likes books, languages, journalism, green lifestyle. She lives in Croatia. Her favorite quote is ” Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” . Maria Bolevich: I have the honor to present you our interview with Felix Dodds, a fellow at […]

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The Glory of Aga Khan

Mohamed Mediouni Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) E-mail: mohamed.mediouni@USehrbrooke.ca . . ” Educating effective future leaders is a high responsibility” His Highness The Aga Khan I am especially delighted to write in honor of the icon Aga Khan. His projects for humanity are innumerable. Health, education, religion, and poverty are the main of his interest. All […]

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Biomimicry Global Design Challenge

2015 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge – Food Systems from Biomimicry Institute on Vimeo. The Biomimicry Institute and the Ray C. Anderson Foundation announced on January 20 that the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge is open to registrants, who are invited to submit commercially viable, nature-inspired solutions to our global food system challenges. The grand prize, to be awarded in 2016, […]

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Water and Sustainable Development: One Voice From Zaragoza

www.unwater.org The UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference was held in January and kicked off the year that will shine a spotlight on water and sustainable development.    “2015 is an important year. An important year for disaster risk reduction, an important year for climate and an important year for water,” said the UN-Water Chair, Michel Jarraud […]

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The Internet of Everything and the Case of Barcelona Smart City Proposed by Cisco Networking Academy

The Cisco Networking Academy Partner Summit 2014 took place on the 22 and the 23 of October in Barcelona. Established in 1997, Cisco NetAcad is a non-commercial ICT programme with 10,000 academies in 165 countries which has contributed 348 million euros in-kind contribution to education since its inception in Europe. Cisco is a partner of the “Grand Coalition […]

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Astrobiological Foundations of Humanity: The Origin of the Cosmodern Consciousness

An uranium gun-type atomic bomb (Little Boy) was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Javier Collado attended celebrations of Peace for 69º anniversary. Versión castellano It is urgent to develop the understanding, skills and values to cooperate in the resolution of armed conflicts still present in the 21st Century. There are not political boundaries for environmental degradation effects […]

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Interview with Dr. Katherine Müller-Marin, Representative of UNESCO to VietNam

Javier Collado Ruano (JCR): Dr. Katherine Müller-Marin is a native of Costa Rica who began her career as the Curriculum Planning Director at the Distance Teaching University of Costa Rica. She went on to serve at the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy in Institutional Strengthening and Reengineering. She holds a Master’s degree […]

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Educar para una ciudadanía planetaria: Una perspectiva necesaria desde la que entender la Educación Ambiental

Olga Moreno Fernández Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales. Universidad de Sevilla (España) E-mail: omoreno@us.es Dalva Maria Bianchini Bonotto Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Brasil). Instituto de Biociências. Departamento de Educação E-mail: dalvambb@rc.unesp.br Resumen: La educación para una ciudadanía planetaria ofrece nuevas oportunidades educativas que […]

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Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World

Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World Download here: PortraitsofYouthLeadersChildrenoftheEarth . Table of Content  1. Kehkashan Basu “It was preordained that I grow up as an eco-warrior”, Dubai 2. Demi Smoloktou “Freedom should not be taken for granted. That’s why I am promoting peace, intercultural dialogue and tolerance in the world”, Greece 3. Roebin Lijnis […]

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La Educación para la Ciudadanía Global: una perspectiva emergente para el desarrollo sostenible

English version El siglo XXI no será fácil para la humanidad. Hablar de desarrollo sostenible representa un discurso humanista radical y una cosmovisión ética que conciba la cuestión ambiental como un elemento emergente en los límites del crecimiento que el Club de Roma propugnaría de forma pionera desde el año 1972. Hablar de desarrollo sostenible […]

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