Paris #ClimateChange Conference opens with unprecedented call by governments and businesses to end fossil fuel subsidies
An unprecedented coalition of close to 40 governments, hundreds of businesses and influential international organisations has called today for accelerated action to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, a move that would help bridge the gap to keep global temperature rise below 2°C. On the opening day of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21), New […]

The #BigHistory Anthropocene Conference: A #Transdisciplinary Exploration
We are delighted to invite you to attend our Big History Anthropocene Conference: A Transdisciplinary Exploration in Sydney, Australia.The human race has had such a profound impact on the climate and environment of the Earth that some have proposed we have entered a new geological era – the Anthropocene. Explore Big Issues with Global Impact Examine critical challenges […]
Global Citizens Strong Support for Ambitious Paris Agreement
Launch of World Wide Views Global Citizen Consultation Results Report on Climate and Energy Strong Public Support for Political Leaders to Commit to Ambitious Climate Action Now The COP 21 Paris Agreement Needs to Open a Credible Path to Limit Global Warming to No More than 2 Degrees Celsius Citizens worldwide have given their leaders […]

Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters
Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) GLOBAL PLAYWRITING CONTEST 2015 Everyone is eligible to join the “Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters”. Each entry must focus on the theme of climate change as described in these rules. We cannot solve the crisis of human survival unless we […]

From Rio+20 to the New Development Agenda: An Interview with Felix Dodds
About Maria Bolevich Maria Bolevich is a specialist of environmental protection and a journalist. She likes books, languages, journalism, green lifestyle. She lives in Croatia. Her favorite quote is ” Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” . Maria Bolevich: I have the honor to present you our interview with Felix Dodds, a fellow at […]

Human Consciousness & Values for Solving Global Problems
Dr. Surendra Pathak Director Research, Dean Social Sciences and Professor, CVMS, IASE Deemed University, Rajasthan, India. / / @pathak2009 . . Abstract: Mother earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. Earth is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water and environment to support plant, animal and […]

Learning from the Nature in the Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines. Versión castellana Solidarity is a trans-dimensional phenomenon that goes beyond the ontological essence of human nature. In fact, when we analyze the connections between the microcosm and the macrocosm, we perceive that human beingsare not involved in chaos and arbitrariness, but belongs to […]

22 Million People Displaced by Disasters in 2013, Global Trends on the Rise
Latest report from IDMC shows that 22 million people were displaced in 2013 by disasters brought on by natural hazard events – almost three times more than by conflict in the same year. Four decades of data show that twice as many people are being displaced today than in the 1970s. A new report by […]

The Necessity for Holistic Education in Economics and Business that Prepares Young Leaders for Sustainable Leadership within the 21st Century
Saskia Troy (MSc.) is a business economist specialised in Global Business and Stakeholder Management and amongst others Regional Coordinator Europe and Chapter Leader Netherlands Children of the Earth (NGO of the United Nations) and she is a member of the Working Group Sustainable Finance (Changing Finance, Financing Change) of the UNEP/World Resources Institute in Washington. […]

Identifying Frontier Research Integrating Mathematic Approaches to Diverse Systems / Sustainability
Identifying Frontier Research Integrating Mathematic Approaches to Diverse Systems / Sustainability You are cordially invited to submit chapters for a book publication with Springer Publishing. This volume will present a collection of the most advanced research in the area, with inclusion from World leading experts across subjects encapsulating the issues which must be covered in […]