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Education All Children for Nonkilling
Francisco Gomes de Matos an applied peace linguist, President of the Board, Associação Brasil-América (ABA) fcgm@hotlink.com.br / http://www.estudenaaba.com/ . If you want to communicate peacefully with these two principles you could comply: “Friendly interaction always CREactivate” “Communicate Peace commit to apply” . If you want to communicate peacefully ideas, views, feedbacks freely exchange interpret disagreements respectfully […]
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New Peace and Conflict Studies Program, American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cvijeta Novakovic Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Specialist e-mail: cvijeta.2012@gmail.com . Dear friends, Warmest greetings from the ancient city of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and congratulations for the Global Magazine 3! I am very happy to share with you news about the Peace and Conflict Studies Program that will be initiated in summer 2013 by the […]
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Education on the Frontline. By Irina Bokova.
Article by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO for Global Education Magazine “Education on the Frontline” January 2013 . . . . Official photo, Director-General, Irina Bokova – There are today 28 million primary school-age children, and as many or more young people, living in conflict areas and denied the chance to learn. This […]
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Global Education Magazine: School Day of Non-violence and Peace (January 30th 2013)
Download the magazine here On January 30th, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was murdered, and since 1964 the Day of Non-violence and Peace has been celebrated at schools from all over the world. This edition has the socio-psycho-pedagogic goal to promote the multidimensional resolution of all disputes. Welcome to Global Education Magazine! This is a consciousness raiser […]
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Peacebuilding and Trauma Trasformation. Is sustainable peacebuilding possible without addressing and transforming trauma?
Cvijeta Novakovic Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Specialist in Bosnia and Herzegovina cvijeta.2012@gmail.com Abstract: The role of past in lives of people is significant: according to an ancient philosophy, people walk in front of the past, while the unknown future stays behind of them. Hard experiences of conflict, war and trauma have inevitable and negative impact […]
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The Peace Process Will Not be Tweeted
Monica Curca email: monicabcurca@gmail.com / peaceforsale@gmail.com website: http://peaceforsale.org/ Abstract: Of late new media and digital technologies have been instrumental in bringing about social change throughout the world. This article asks if it is possible for new media and digital technologies to also bring peace? Media and communications have a long history in being used as an instrument for […]
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The Life Vest Inside™ Kindness Curriculum: Understanding, Refining, Implementing and Growing in Kindness from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
Lydia Criss Mays Ph.D. Georgia State University Department of Early Childhood Education e-mail: lcriss1@gsu.edu web: www.seebeautiful.com Abstract: In response to growing demands to provide more real-life experiences for children during the school day that are based on improving critical thinking and increasing awareness and use of lifeskills, Life Vest Inside™ (hereafter referred to as LVI) has […]
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From Swords to Ploughshares: Study Abroad as a means of post-conflict Peacebuilding
Mark Flanigan Program Director at Japan ICU Foundation markinmitaka@gmail.com – I am quite honored to write for Global Education Magazine and to share the reflections of my work as Program Director at Japan ICU Foundation, for this special edition the International School Day of Non-Violence and Peace. As a Rotary Peace Fellow alumnus, I […]
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No country of white men
. Marie Mainil Director of the Student Peace Alliance at The Peace Alliance marie@thepeacealliance.org . Banner in the entrance of Obama 2012 HQ – Remember that scene in the movie Money Ball when cigar smoking, fairly aged white men made decisions out of smoke around the power table? That’s how elections used to be […]